Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
RAJA BHAI +glasses of milk |
30 |
RAJAH LEMO +cartoon of man |
32 |
RAJASTHAN SE +face of man |
29 |
RAJCO MASTER +cartoon of ma |
35 |
RAJDISH +cartoon of cow |
29 |
RALLISONS mark of excellenc |
25 |
RAMU KAKA +cartoon of man |
35 |
RAMUJEE.COM +cartoon of man |
42 |
RAQABDAARS taste of awadh |
43 |
RATAN'S +cartoon of man |
35 |
RATHIWALA brand of quality |
30 |
RATHLETIC +cartoon of bear |
18 |
RATING RAT +cartoon of rat |
9, 42 |
RAYZING group of technologi |
41 |
RC +face of cat |
9 |
REAL DESI +cartoon of cow |
29 |
REBEL +statue of liberty |
41 |
RED ANTS SOS +cartoon of an |
16, 35, 41 |
RED ANTS sos +cartoon of an |
25 |
RED BUS +cartoon of bus |
28 |
RED CETTU +cartoon of bird |
18 |
REGAL mark of quality |
8 |
REKHA +palm of hand |
34 |
RELIANCE school of business |
42 |
REMO JUNIOR +cartoon of boy |
25 |
REMSONS best of test |
12 |
RFI royal flavours of india |
43 |
RGU RENUKA +cartoon of chef |
30 |
RHINO MAN +cartoon of man |
16, 24, 25, 35, 41 |
RICARDO spirit of nature |
18 |
RICHI RICH +cartoon of man |
43 |
RIDER BIKE +cartoon of tige |
12 |
RIFFA KUTTYS +cartoon of bo |
32 |
RIKI +cartoon of bulb robot |
11 |
RIKI +cartoon of hippo |
16 |
RIKI +cartoon of rhino |
9, 11, 18, 25, 28, 35, 37, 39, 41 |
RINGN +cartoon of boy |
9, 42 |
RINGO +cartoon of bear |
30 |
RITKVALI R +cartoon of boy |
30 |
RJ +cartoon of boy |
16, 32, 35 |
RO MO assurance of quality |
17 |
ROAD SETTER +cartoon of man |
12 |
ROBO KID +cartoon of robot |
7 |
ROBOLAB +cartoon of childre |
41 |
ROBOMAN +cartoon of robot |
7, 42 |
ROCKET SINGH +cartoon of do |
41 |
ROLF +cartoon of animal |
9 |
ROLINSON +cartoon of pengui |
6 |
ROMON JR. +cartoon of boy |
16, 18, 21, 25, 28 |
ROMZEN +cartoon of bird |
25 |
RONJIY'S +cartoon of man |
29 |
ROOZZ +cartoon of bird |
41 |
ROS HAN plaster of paris |
19 |
ROSE-MARIE +face of woman |
26 |
ROYAL BEE +cartoon of bee |
30 |
ROYAL TOUCH plaster of pari |
19 |
RS. M. a name of quality |
14 |
RUCHIRA +cartoon of face |
29 |
RUHANI taste of rajasthan |
29 |
RUNK +cartoon of chef |
29 |
S STERILE surety of purity |
40 |
S symbol of loyalty |
16 |
S symbol of quality +oval |
12 |
S.T. +cartoon of bird |
1, 3, 5, 21 |
SAAOL science art of living |
5 |
SABAASH the bright side of |
42 |
SACKLUNCH +cartoon of girl |
43 |
SAFAR journey of convenienc |
16 |
SAGAR CEMENT +cartoon of ma |
35 |
SAGAR cement +cartoon of ma |
19 |
SAHAYAK +cartoon of man |
35 |
SAHIRA +arcs & face of woma |
25 |
SAILOR BRAND +face of sailo |
30 |
SAINAND GOLD +cartoon of bo |
29, 43 |
SAINAND TAJA +cartoon of bo |
29 |
SAINIK +face of soldier |
34 |
SAKHI plaster of paris |
19 |
SAKSONS symbol of quality |
35 |
SAM THE CAT +cartoon of cat |
41 |
SAMAANWALA +cartoon of man |
35 |
SAMI institute of clinical |
5 |
SAMRIDDHI synonym of purity |
29 |
SANA the balance of quality |
9 |
SANDMAX MAASAI +face of man |
3 |
SANDY PUFF +cartoon of boy |
29 |
SANJEEVANI group of company |
14 |
SANSKAR plaster of paris |
19 |
SANSKRUTI celebraton of lif |
32 |
SAS a thing of beauty +bird |
16 |
SATMAHA seal of quality |
30 |
SAUDA WALA +cartoon of man |
35 |
SAVE school of animation |
42 |
29 |
SAWAAL +cartoon of man |
38, 41 |
SBC school of broadcasting |
16 |
SBD +cartoon of animals |
30 |
SCA care of life +triangles |
1, 3, 5, 16, 19, 21, 35, 38, 39, 41, 44 |
SCADA govt. of bihar |
16 |
SCDHRL quality of research |
5 |
SCHULICH school of business |
35, 41 |